

Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR) entered a new phase in the Cabinet Work. Work yet to be done is to fulfill the aspiration to become a country with energy independence. To meet that goal, the oil and gas industry (Oil and Gas) and the national coal still be the belle seiiring with renewable energy development efforts.
Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources will parse the Sudirman Said convey barriers that have existed in the energy and mining sectors. One is uncertainty about the legal framework that ensures business activities. In the oil and gas industry, the problems are often so the discussion is the contractor cooperation contract (PSC) which is about to expire.
Until the next five years, there were about 21 PSC will be out of contract. Ironically, the KKS 21 produces about 635,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day in 2013, or about 30% of the national oil and gas production capacity. Uncertainty of legal protection to be one of the many obstacles that often arise and affect the national downward trend in oil and gas production.
Therefore, the most important homework in today's oil and gas sector is immediately set the legal framework such as the provision of oil and gas contract extension fair and transparent. The regulation should also support efforts to create a conducive investment climate Gas and creating synergies between the businesses.
In the coal mining and minerals too. Until today, the Government has almost completed the entire contract renegotiation of mining companies, both PKP2B or KK. But on the whole only PT Vale Indonesia, Tbk, which has amended the contract, while the rest of the new stage of signing a memorandum of understanding. The government has been consistent in requiring all products downstream of the mine. However, this obligation is not supported by the availability of adequate infrastructure, particularly electricity.
Coal mines also highlighted sharply during 2014. During this year the price of this commodity has not been improved, much compared to the price of coal in the era of glory which reached US $ 118.49 per ton. The government also could not encourage the consumption of coal in the country in an effort to boost the market and price improvement. At the same time the government actually issued a moratorium on permits other policies such as traders, as well as the planned increase in IUP royalty obligation to pay royalties in advance.
This is where the role of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources as the manager of the energy and mining sector more swiftly prosecuted. Especially now governance structure slightly changed with the shift of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources under the coordination of the Coordinating Ministry for maritime.

One Day Seminar
Related day seminar was held in Energy and Mining Prospects 2015. Through the speakers who come from the government as a regulator, businesses and commodity market analysts, the event is expected to give a picture of what the condition of Oil and Gas and Mining industry next year.
The seminar was divided into two parts. The first section opened with a keynote speech by the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, which lasted for one full day and focus on the national oil and gas industry. The second part discusses in depth the problem of mining minerals and coal as well as government and business projections for the challenges and opportunities in 2015.

Aims and Objectives
1. Provide more comprehensive picture regarding the condition of Oil and Gas and Mining industry next year
2. Being the event we share information and also how to deal with difficult situations that will still be a viable next year
3. Provide an overview of government policy related to the Oil and Gas and Mining sector in the next year.

Place and Date of Execution
This seminar will be held on Wednesday, January 28th, 2015 held at The Dharmawangsa Hotel, Jl. Brawijaya, South Jakarta consists of two parts:

1. National Oil and Gas Industry Outlook 2015 (09:00 pm to 16:00 pm)
2. Mineral and Coal Prospects 2015 (19:00 pm - 21:00 pm)

Speakers and Session Time

Keynote Speech
Sudirman Said - Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources

First Session
Energy Outlook 2015 in Regulatory Perspective

The Future of Oil and Gas Contract and Law certainties

Johannes Widjanarko - Plt. Head of Oil and Gas SKK
Naryanto Wagimin - Plt. Director General of Oil and Gas
Kardaya Warnika - Chairman of the House of Representatives Commission VII

Second Session
2015 Energy Outlook 2015 in Bussiness Perspective

PT Pertamina (Persero)
PT Total Indonesie
PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia
Observers Reforminer Institute of Oil and Gas

Mining Outlook 2015 in Regulatory and busniness Perspective

The Potential of Mineral and Coal Sector for National Economic Growth

R. Sukhyar - Director General Mining
Martiono Hadianto - Chairman of IMA
Bob Kamandanu - Chairman of ICMA

* In Confirmation

Magazine MINE
Graha MINE
Jl. Captain Tendean No. 15
South Jakarta 12790

Email: seminar@tambang.co.id

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