
Guessing FOREX Transactions Up / Down

Forex Trading business is a new thing in Indonesia, but now that many are attracted to the business because Forex Trading Online has the advantage that is not owned by another business, namely:

You are the Boss for yourself, nothing tops that must be obeyed, not afraid to be fired, no one you set.
Not limited places and regions, provided there is a PC or laptop connected to the internet then you can do this trading activity
Relatively small capital, depending on his broker, there are Internet even give Capital $ 5 real money and $ 10,000 virtual money as a training tool for example in Marketiva.
For Beginners at marketiva recommend learning first, because in addition Without Capital also use the Trading Platform that is easy to understand and also had a chat facility to support or to fellow traders. and pulled again there is a special room Indonesian (this is why tens of thousands of members today from Indonesia)
Potential Advantages Without Borders, Daily Trader Magazine edition april / May 2007 page 90 in an article titled "The Trader Monthly 100" explores in particular the 100 best traders in the world with revenues estimated at over 50 million US dollars per year. One of them mentioned John Arnold (33 years) from the city of Houston in the estimate an income of 1.5 s / d 2 billion US DOLLARS per year
Flexible time, An Independent Trader can do this business activities whenever he wants, there is no limit of time (remember !!! as we Trader is Boss)
Nearly Everyone Can do, Origin is of age (usually at least 18 or 21 years), not illiterate, a finger can be used to punch the keys you are able to start.
Other rare Forex secret called that only about 3% of Forex traders are correct - completely successful in this business (see also the article level a trader here), because most are not able to face the emotional (emotional mastery), especially the nature of fear and greed that many master in this trading activity, many are lying because Forex trading at underestimate because only guess two possibilities Up or Down (likened to gambling), but it is not that simple.

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HOW TO CHOOSE A BROKER The forex broker that you use can significantly affect your trading success. There are two types of forex brokers: market makers and ECNs. But in practice things are not so clear-cut – there are market makers out there who falsely market themselves as not having dealing desks, while there are also some brokers who claim to be true ECNs when they are not. The choice of broker must be an individual decision, because everyone has different needs and preferences. Both new and existing traders should carefully examine the practices and policy contracts of brokers, and be up-to-date with new information on brokers. Below are some points that you might want to consider when selecting a broker. You can use it as a rough guide to narrow down some candidates that match your own needs.
Forex Trading Is A Serious Business Forex trading must be seen as a serious business, not just a casual roll of the dice or a leisurely pursuit. If you approach trading as a means of getting your dose of adrenaline, do yourself a favour by staying away from it . Serious money demands serious work. Winners from the trading arena take a nononsense approach to trading – they take care of their P&L (profits and losses), enter only into high probability trades and keep meticulous record of all their trades. Both serious and casual traders, of course, dream of making it big in the forex market, but it is not the goal that counts, it is the preparation and dedication that is important. Forex trading should be considered and treated as a serious business, just like other types of businesses. Approaching trading from the perspective of a shrewd business person can greatly tilt your chances of success to your side.
RISK DISCLOUSURE Trading forex involves substantial risk, and there is always the potential for loss. Your trading results may vary. No representation is made that any information in this book will guarantee profits or prevent losses from trading forex. You should be aware that no trading strategy can guarantee profits.
MARKET SENTIMENT The forex market is heavily driven by market sentiment, and it is market sentiment that influences traders’ decisions by triggering certain emotions and thoughts. Find out what defines the current market sentiment, and how you can incorporate market sentiment analysis into your trading.